Thorn Rose

Thorn Rose is a good pone

Thorn Rose currently has 44 good pone points.

Thorn Rose gave Bytewave 3 good pone points!

For being a good nerd on the Toronto trip~

about 1 year ago
Thorn Rose gave CyberPon3 3 good pone points!

For being a very, very good cuddler~

about 3 years ago
Thorn Rose gave Bytewave 1 good pone point!

There really is a Bytewave, and these ponies do love spending time with him, but it is just a part of the pony they enjoy spending time with. Bytewave is the pony: the nerd horse that allocates the horse's cuteness in the cute actions they take. The pony is an essential part of a cute nerd, but silly by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete cute system. Bytewave is normally used in combination with the ADORABLE operating system: the whole system is basically ADORABLE with Bytewave added, or ADORABLE/Bytewave. All the so-called "Bytewave" nerds are really just ADORABLE/Bytewave.

over 3 years ago
Thorn Rose gave Bytewave 1 good pone point!

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Bytewave, is in fact, ADORABLE/Bytewave, or as I've recently taken to calling it, ADORABLE plus Bytewave. Bytewave is not an cute pegapone unto himself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning ADORABLE system made useful by the ADORABLE pegawings, sock utilities and vital preening components comprising a full pegapone as defined by PONIX. Many computer users run a modified version of the ADORABLE system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of ADORABLE which is widely used today is often called "Bytewave", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the ADORABLE system, developed by the ADORABLE Project.

over 3 years ago
Thorn Rose gave Minty Fresh 1 good pone point!

For being a cute cookie nerd!

over 3 years ago
Thorn Rose gave CyberPon3 3 good pone points!

For getting that job like a good good horse!

over 3 years ago
Thorn Rose gave AELG 3 good pone points!

For the lovely emote~

over 3 years ago
Thorn Rose gave Speck 3 good pone points!

For watching fun shows with me~

over 3 years ago
Thorn Rose gave System Pone 1 good pone point!

For helping to validate all the pones!

over 3 years ago
Thorn Rose gave Tiny Jasmini 1 good pone point!

For being a cute!

over 3 years ago
Thorn Rose gave Bytewave 1 good pone point!

For playing a bunch of VR games with me!

over 3 years ago
Thorn Rose gave Bytewave 1 good pone point!

For playing VRChat with me!

over 3 years ago
Thorn Rose gave CyberPon3 1 good pone point!

For playing VRChat with me!

over 3 years ago
Thorn Rose gave LinuxPony 1 good pone point!

For going on Sleepy Town with me! Was neat to see you there.

over 3 years ago
Thorn Rose gave Cadey 1 good pone point!

For doing lots of cool, interesting nerd things that Rose likes to hear about 👀

over 3 years ago
Thorn Rose gave Bytewave 1 good pone point!

What Note said!

over 3 years ago
Thorn Rose gave Kazumi 1 good pone point!

For looking so cozy!

over 3 years ago
Thorn Rose gave CyberPon3 1 good pone point!

For being a neeeeeerd and good friend~

over 3 years ago
Thorn Rose gave Keupoz 1 good pone point!

For getting that job interview!

over 3 years ago
Thorn Rose gave Minty Fresh 1 good pone point!

For being a cute cookie horse!

over 3 years ago
Thorn Rose gave AELG 1 good pone point!

For being such a good bug!

over 3 years ago
Thorn Rose gave Minty Fresh 1 good pone point!

Happy Hearts and Hooves Day~

over 3 years ago
Thorn Rose gave LinuxPony 1 good pone point!

Linux is very good, and useful, yis!

over 3 years ago
Thorn Rose gave Bytewave 1 good pone point!

Green is good!

over 3 years ago
Thorn Rose gave Speck 1 good pone point!

Even more gud~~ <u<

over 3 years ago